"Keyed" - The JuJu Exchange Live at Narwhal Studios
Featuring: Trumpet - Nico Segal
Piano and Keyboard - Julian Davis Reid
Electric Bass - Kurt Stxnfce Shelby
Nova Portals, Drumset, and Electronics - Nova Zaii
Mixing - Ashwin Torke
Director + Editor - Christian Loggins Camera
Operators - Noah Cape, Lucas Peres
Photographers - Daryl Wilkerson Jr, Sophie Fawkes
Production Assistants - Anaiel Saucedo, Sophie Fawkes
Recording Engineer - Wes Reno
Recorded at Narwhal Studios, Chicago, IL
For more information on the history of the band, upcoming shows, tickets, and early access for merch, shoot us a message at thejujuexchange.com
"What Loss" - The JuJu Exchange Live at Narwhal Studios